Standing Desk News, Product Info, & Health Tips | UPLIFT Desk Blog
Enjoy Happy Perching on the Starling Stool
Vibrant, nimble, and energetic, the starling is a bird known for its instinct to perch in the perfect place, usually after a long flight back to the nest or a trip during the Winter. Young starlings are on their own within a few days of emerging from more
Vibrant, nimble, and energetic, the starling is a bird known for its instinct to perch in the perfect place, usually after a long flight back to the nest or a trip during the Winter. Young starlings are on their own within a few days of emerging from more
New Active Seating Alert: The E3 Crescent Saddle Stool and E3 Donut Stool Make Sitting Fun
It's well-known the importance of moving more throughout the day. Sitting for more than a few hours is bad for you and the negative effects of sitting add up: your spine is less supported, your body's blood flow slows, and your focus diminishes - and more
It's well-known the importance of moving more throughout the day. Sitting for more than a few hours is bad for you and the negative effects of sitting add up: your spine is less supported, your body's blood flow slows, and your focus diminishes - and more