Standing Desk News, Product Info, & Health Tips | UPLIFT Desk Blog

Enjoy Happy Perching on the Starling Stool

Posted by Mandy Spivey on November 30, 2018
Enjoy Happy Perching on the Starling Stool

Vibrant, nimble, and energetic, the starling is a bird known for its instinct to perch in the perfect place, usually after a long flight back to the nest or a trip during the Winter. Young starlings are on their own within a few days of emerging from more

New Active Seating Alert: The E3 Crescent Saddle Stool and E3 Donut Stool Make Sitting Fun

Posted by Mandy Spivey on October 25, 2018
New Active Seating Alert: The E3 Crescent Saddle Stool and E3 Donut Stool Make Sitting Fun

It's well-known the importance of moving more throughout the day. Sitting for more than a few hours is bad for you and the negative effects of sitting add up: your spine is less supported, your body's blood flow slows, and your focus diminishes - and more